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  • High-VTH E-mode GaN HEMTs with Robust Gate-Bias-Dependent VTH Stability Enabled by Mg-Doped p-GaN Engineering

    Yulei Jin, Feng Zhou, Member, IEEE, Weizong Xu, Zhengpeng Wang, Tianyang Zhou, Dong  Zhou, Fangfang Re, Yuanyang Xia, Leke Wu, Yiheng Li, Tinggang Zhu, Dunjun Chen, Rong Zhang, Jiandong Ye, Youdou Zheng and Hai Lu, Senior Member, IEEE

    High-VTH E-mode GaN HEMTs with Robust.pdf

  • 1.2 kV/25 A Normally-off p-n Junction/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Nanosecond Switching Characteristics and Robust Overvoltage Capability

    Feng Zhou, Student Member, IEEE, Weizong Xu, Member, IEEE, Yuanyang Xia, Leke Wu, Tinggang Zhu, Fangfang  Ren, Dunjun Chen, Rong Zhang, Youdou Zheng, and Hai Lu, Senior Member, IEEE

    5.reverse p-n Junction HEMTs-xu 02.pdf

  • Normally-off GaN HEMTs with InGaN p-gate cap layer formed by polarization doping

    Changkun Zeng , Weizong Xu , Yuanyang Xia , Ke Wang , Fangfang Ren , Dong Zhou , Yiheng Li , Tinggang Zhu , Dunjun Chen , Rong Zhang Published 17 December 2021 • © 2021 The Japan Society of Applied Physics Applied Physics Express, Volume 15, Number 1 Citation Changkun Zeng et al 2022 Appl. Phys. Express 15 016502 Abstract Narrow gate margin has been the critical limiting factor for the p-gate normally-off GaN HEMTs, imposing significant challenges in both gate drive design and gate reliability. In this work, by developing dopant-free p-type polarization doping 

    3.2022-Normally-off GaN HEMTs with InGaN p-gate cap layer formed by polarization doping - IOPscience.pdf

  • Reliability concern of quasi-vertical GaN Schottky barrier diode under high temperature reverse bias stress

    Sheng Li a, Chi Zhang a, Siyang Liu a, Jiaxing Wei a, Long Zhang a, Weifeng Sun a,*,

    Youhua Zhu b, Tingting Zhang c, Dongsheng Wang c, Yinxia Sun c

    a National ASIC System Engineering Research Center, School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China

    b School of Electronics and Information, Nantong University, Nantong, 226019, China

    c CorEnergy Semiconductor Co., LTD, Zhangjiagang, 215600, China

    View the article online for updates and enhancements.

  • Integrated GaN MIS-HEMT with Multi-Channel Heterojunction SBD Structures

    Sheng Li, Siyang Liu, Chi Zhang, Jiaxing Wei, Long Zhang, Weifeng Sun* National ASIC System Engineering Research Center Southeast University Nanjing, China

    Youhua Zhu, Tingting Zhang, Dongsheng Wang, Yinxia Sun, Yiheng Li, Tinggang Zhu CorEnergy Semiconductor Co., LTD Zhangjiagang, China

    View the article online for updates and enhancements.

  • Investigations of the gate instability characteristics in Schottky/ohmic type p-GaN gate normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs

    To cite this article: Changkun Zeng et al 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 121005
